Please make sure to have your apartment prepared for move out prior/no later then 10 am on the last day of your lease. We typically have a lease in place starting on the 1st of the month that we have to prepare for; so there is no flexibility on extending the move out date/time.
To help you prepare for move out please follow the below Cleaning Checklist and review the below Settlement Charges Guide to ensure you are aware of potential charges.
Settlement Charges at Move Out Guide
1. DO NOT cancel RGE without speaking to Landlord first.
2. Disconnect/transfer any cable, wi-fi, ect. services your signed up for during move in and return all associated equipment.
3. Make sure to forward your mail to your new address by contacting USPS.
4. If trash items do not fit in trash bins, they MUST be put on curb no earlier then night before garbage day and you MUST call Suburban Disposal (585-352-3900) at least a day before to notify them of items on curb. A special truck pick those up. If you fail it do so, the city will note and you will be charged for the disposal.
5. Schedule final walk through with Landlord to take place prior/no later then 10 am on the last day of your lease.
6. Provide Landlord with forwarding address for your security deposit. You will receive a settlement statement and deposit via mail within 30 days after move out.